Thursday, April 30, 2009

An Edible Bouquet

A bouquet of ruby radishes

Just over 5 weeks ago, the three of us broke ground on our vegetable garden. We had been planning a springtime garden since last fall, partly because we knew that the bounty of the season would reward us greatly, and partly because it was far enough in the future for us to not feel rushed about learning how to do it.

Over these last few weeks, we have been completely captivated by the experience. Seeds went into the ground and within days life emerged, letting us know that food was on the way. Today, 39 days after that planting, we finally harvested our first batch of red radish. Their conspicuous bulbs had been teasing us all week, red balloons floating on a sea of rich soil.

Katerina harvests radishes

Katerina was charged with the task of harvesting, and before long she had collected 21 radishes and was carefully wiping their dull pink surfaces to reveal their true, ruby color.

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